Thank you T’eAnn

Created by Steven 2 years ago

39 years ago today, late in the evening, my Dad unexpectedly died in front of my Mum and me. I had to call somebody, and it was to Ann that I turned. She and John came immediately. Two days later I went back to school 15 miles away in Aylesbury. And at the end of lessons, instead of the school bus, who did I find in a car outside school with my Mum? Mike Groves, Ann’s son.

In the years that followed, Ann, and her family provided soul - saving love and support to Mum, John, Ann and me. Mum and I spent many Christmas days with Ann, her children, and John and his children - some of the happiest days of my life. Ann was a commited Christian, and never did I know a person who more reflected that in their actions. It was not duty which drove Ann - it was instinctive love for her fellow humans. In that, along with my immediate family, she was the person who taught me most about navigating life. Without cliche I can think of no higher merit. Thank you Ann, and all of your lovely family. 

Steven ❤️